Teaching Art Using Technology

Technology has made it possible to be creative, objective, and to have enough time to communicate with individual students as you will see in the following paragraphs.

I do my grades and attendance with Excel (spreadsheet) or Intergrade Pro on a lap top I keep on a rolling cart (my desk) in the center of the classroom. Any teacher will have much more time for their students if they allow a computer to do the calculations and instantly update documentation about student attendance, behavior and evaluations.

Each period of the school day I use a midi sequencer piano or a CD of drum beats to perform the appropriate portion of an art song I have written to teach the vocabulary of art.

I have a camera zoomed in on my fingers and hooked directly to a large television so my students can see every microscopic nuance of my fingers demonstrating the projects. Such a camera would be useful to any teacher who has to demonstrate anything in a lab or otherwise.

I also connect my computer to the television monitor or the monitor projector when I need for the students to see my computer screen.

A Camera with a fish eye lens is also very helpful with self-monitoring. A camera in the corner of the room affords me the opportunity to review my teaching methods objectively.

I use alarm watches to remind me a few minutes before the end of each class period to allow the students to clean up and for me to do my closing. Lab style classes can be very involving and this kind of technological reminder can be very valuable to a teacher.

When I can get the computer lab I teach 3D modeling with truSpace and I teach 2D drawing and desktop publishing with various paint, graphic, and web publishing packages.

My students can access many of my lessons at their homes via my Talent Teacher web page.


On the weekends I give free art history and 3D modeling lessons to individuals from all over the world using at Active Worlds 3D-chat technology.


My architecturally accurate historical environments are at 100n 5151e AW and 111n 5151e AW in Alpha World. I also want to make three-dimensional educational Internet games this summer.


In my spare time I teach the teachers to put their classes on line and maintain them. I show them how to put their tests on the Internet and how to communicate with their students with e-mail, voice mail, or a netforum.

Over time a community can change greatly if a few individuals will use contemporary tools to bring about change.

Here is a graphic I created to illustrate the process of change in a learning community.