E-mail me at newworldchief@yahoo.com
Call me at (410)451-3779
See my web page at www.talentteacher.com
Four things which need to be known in my class.
1. I need to know what you know about Computer Graphics.
a. I will find out what you know with a survey and the first project.
2. You need to become excited and confident about Computer Graphics.
a. Look at the teacher's web pages and demonstrations. Every student can learn many things from me.
b. Look at some of the projects we are going to do. You will learn much in this class.
c. Learn about how your abilities can change.
Psychologists like Erickson and Havighurst have explained how humans develop and how an adolescent brain is developmentally ready for
detailed lessons like the ones I teach in this class. For adolescents it is especially important to practice as many different valuable behaviors
as possible, so you can build confidence in skill acquisition. You will then be assertive about getting what you want in your future. The use
of technology is one skill, which can provide you with such confidence.
There is much less mystery involved in learning to use technology than most people think. Many computer geeks perpetuate the mystique to add value to their product. But using technology is a skill like math or riding a bike. 1) You begin (at any point in your life) by following along with someone who knows how, 2) then you copy the work of experts, and finally 3) you practice with the variety of tools and create your own tools and products. The class rules may seem strict but they allow large groups of students to follow along with me.
Even students who have had little structure in their lives can build skills if they find themselves in a class system, which allows little variety other than to participate in the lessons. A family or apprentice situation of less than 10 is a more natural environment for the development of detailed skills but my classes have as many as twenty-eight. So you will need to mind your business, follow instructions and be careful with the equipment so you can get as much confidence building practice as possible.
3. You need to know how I grade you.
90-100A, 80-89B, 70-79C, 60-69D, 00-59E
a. Warm-ups, homework and the daily project average as 50% of your total grades.
Your homework's are worth a weekly 100 points and are picked up each Friday. They will consist of a question, which you will make from the Art Facts sheet. Each question is worth twenty points. 5 points are for grammar or making sense, 5 for punctuation, 5 for legibility and 5 for writing the answer under the question. No yes/no, true/false or fill in the blank questions are allowed. Please write on one side of the paper to assist my grading.
Your warm-ups are worth a weekly 100 points that are also picked up on Fridays. You will be given one test question each day which you will answer on a scantron. You must use a pencil, you must meticulously care for the scantron so it remains readable by the scantron machine and you must keep up with the warms because I reserve the right to pick them up at any time.
You will receive 100 points each day if you follow all daily objectives or steps, bring any supplies which are asked for, and clean up. You get a 90, 80, 70, 60, or 0 according to how many objectives you have omitted on the daily class assignment.
b. The tests, critiques and the presentation grades average as 50% of the progress report and report card grades.
The tests are taken directly from the Facts sheet and will be given the week before each progress report and report card grades are due.
Critique grades are taken at the end of each unit or class project. Students will use the vocabulary from the Fact Sheets to describe the work they have done. The vocabulary they will use to describe their work can be found in the Facts sheet provided to each student.
4. You need to know how I teach you.
I follow the Directed Teaching Activity system as follows.
1. I catch your attention. (5 minute warm up)
2. I state the purpose of the project.
3. I explain the lesson in words.
4. I demonstrate the project.
5. I check to see if you understand the project.
6. I help individuals about 45 seconds each (in a class of 20 students).
7. While helping, I will assess your understanding.
8. If too many of you don't understand I reteach the lesson.
9. If you do understand, you finish independently.
10. For finishing early and well, I help you extra on any project you wish.
11. I give you a grade every day or we evaluate projects as a whole class.
12. I remind you about the objectives we completed.
13. I tell you how the project will help you with future projects.
14. I give you time to clean your space and equipment.
I often video myself teaching the class to learn what I can do to improve my teaching skills.
To replace the “0” for each day you miss my class you must draw one FORTY-FIVE MINUTE DRAWING. When you come back to
school, bring your yellow slip, politely ask the teacher to replace your missing daily grade, and to classify your absence as Excused,
Unexcused, Activity, or Field Trip. Make up grades must be turned in a day after, for each day you are absent (If you are absent on the 3rd,
4th, and 5th, of a month your work for the 5th is due on the 8th). You can also make up grades with independent projects done during class
when I am helping others and you have finished early. When an independent project has added up to forty-five minutes worth of work you
can use it to make up a recent grade. 10 points will be subtracted from your daily grade if I see you off task. If you lay your head down you
receive disciplinary action.
The class rules are as follows.
Listen carefully and stay in your seat when the teacher speaks. Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak. Refrain from bringing
food, gum, candy, drinks or drink containers in class. Speak to the teacher and students with a respectful tone and about respectable
Follow the daily objectives. Bring a pencil and required supplies. Come to class on time. Stay in class unless permission is given otherwise.
Go to the rest room before you come to class because you will not be allowed to leave without a Doctor's note. Refrain from bringing glass
of any kind to class. Wear your ID on a chain or clip so the picture side can be seen.
Refrain from misusing other students' property. Refrain from damaging supplies. Refrain from littering.
Speak quietly. Refrain from intimidating, pushing or pulling others. Refrain from throwing anything, even to the trash can. Refrain from
bringing a Walkman, electronic games or headphones.
Refrain from wearing head apparel or sunglasses in the building. Wear clothing of appropriate modesty, length and opaqueness. Conceal
your underwear.
If a student breaks a rule the following steps are taken.
1st I will ask you not to repeat the behavior. (Disrespectful outbursts, vandalism, threats, throwing or hitting results in skipping directly to
administrative referral.)
2nd Parent phone contact
3rd Parent phone contact
4th PS74 to Assistant Principal
Students who do not break rules are entered in a daily drawing for 100 points, and those who are never documented for misbehavior will
receive a candy bar on the last day of the semester.